Finding Your Dream Home Is Just A Click Away! Search Now!
SellingI will work for you every step of the way! My combination of skill, experience, and technology ensures that I can sell your home for the highest possible price and in the shortest period of time. I have the tools to meet the demands of a highly competitive, modern market. My Unique Automated Internet Marketing System Online Presence: Available 24 hours a day!My online marketing system allows me to make information accessible 24-hours a day, and to respond immediately and directly to each and every prospective buyer. From my website, prospective buyers can get information immediately about your home. They can access my site 24 hours a day and view your property listing! Through my Personal Home Search, your listing will be sent by e-mail to every prospective buyer in my database, where your home meets their criteria. Plus it will be e-mailed automatically to future prospective buyers as well. Traditional MarketingAs soon as you list your home with me, I will enter your home in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) database. Other agents can immediately access your property information by computer. Plus, your property will be included in any printed MLS books. I also regularly publish in magazines and newspapers in the area and send out direct mail pieces to potential buyers. Pricing Your HomeWhen you think about it, there are several other homes for sale competing with your home. I will help you price your home competitively to attract qualified buyers. The way I do this is by generating a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) report, which will show you a range of prices being paid for homes in your area. You can complete my online form to get a feel for your home's market value. Every Step Of The Way...Remember, I will be working for you every step of the way to make sure that you get the highest possible price for your home in the shortest period of time.
1/ 正常保养房子,维修合同规定的项目; 2/ 开始打包零碎的东西,标注及分类,指明搬到何处; 3/ 通知电力公司在成交日次日取消电力账户,BC Hydro 4/ 通知天然气公司在成交日次日取消天然气账户,Fortis BC 5/ 通知国家税务局地址变更,请与您的报税会计一起做这项工作; 6/ 通知省医疗保险公司Health Insurance BC地址变更, 7/ 通知ICBC汽车保险地址变更同时变更驾照地址; 8/ 通知您所有的银行,经常联系的金融机构及您的亲友地址变更 9/ 通知加拿大邮局转寄您的信件到您指定的地址,付费服务 10/ 通知网络、电视、电话运营商取消账户 11/ 安排与您指定的房地产交易律师办理交易签字,一般在买方交全款后一两天。 12/ 安排搬家公司,月初会很忙,尽量提前两周安排; 13/ 清理检查房屋院子,确保没有遗漏您的物品,房子干净整洁; 14/ 将房屋所有钥匙交给您的经纪,经纪在收到您的律师通知,证明买方房款已由买方律师汇入您的律师的信托账户后,在指定的交钥匙时间,在房子大门口将所有钥匙交给买方经纪,完成交易。 15/ 额外:如果您为新屋主准备一张贺卡,或一盆鲜花,祝贺乔迁之喜,您自己会觉得愉悦,新屋主也会感激您。
Laurel Qiu 邱水 778.989.9656